Help. Hope. Healing


To report suspected child abuse, call the Child Protection Hotline, 970-242-1211 or 911.
When you call to report a suspected case of child/sexual abuse, please provide as much of the following information as you can:
  • The child's name (if unknown, provide a description)
  • The child's age (if unknown, give an approximate age range)
  • The address (or where the child can be found)
  • The abuser's name (if known)
  • Abuser's relationship to the child
  • Type of abuse suspected
  • Where the abuse is happening or has happened
  • Names of the child's parents or guardians
  • Your past knowledge of the abuse
  • Other witnesses
  • Your relationship to the child
  • Any other pertinent information
Mandated reporters are people who are required to report suspected abuse.

Reporting child abuse is an important step toward stopping it.
All reports remain anonymous.

CALL 970-242-1211

If you suspect child abuse - or if a child tells you about abuse - making a report is very important! You cannot get into trouble or lose your job for making a report that turns out to be unfounded if you had good intentions when you made the report.

All calls remain anonymous.
Reports of known or suspected child abuse or neglect should be made immediately to the Mesa County Department of Human Services Child Protection Hotline at (970) 242-1211 or a local law enforcement agency at 911.

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