Help. Hope. Healing

It’s difficult to accept that child abuse happens here. But it does. And turning a blind eye feeds the trauma and allows it to continue. The only way to end child abuse is to not turn away. To not let children navigate the darkness alone. To walk with them, believe them, support them, fight for them, love them, help them, and uplift them. 

Because with each child we help heal, there’s hope for all.


A children's advocacy center at a glance...

The Center for Children is a nationally accredited children's advocacy center located in Grand Junction, Colorado. We are the first stop for children in Mesa County and surrounding areas who are suspected victims of:

  • Sexual Abuse
  • Physical Abuse & Neglect
  • Drug Abuse, including witness to
  • Witness to Domestic Violence
  • Other crime types (kidnap, homicide, trafficking, etc.)

Family healing is the priority at our agency. As such, victims are never charged for any of our services.

The Center for Children offers five (5) program areas to victims and their families:

Victim advocates are team members who focuses solely on the best interests of each unique child. They work in liaison with other professionals to surround the family with support services throughout the investigation, prosecution of the case, and beyond. All children who come through the Center for Children on a child welfare or law enforcement referral has a dedicated staff advocate assigned at the inception of their case.

Forensic interviewers produce legally sound, neutral, fact-finding conversations with a child intended to obtain details regarding an allegation of abuse. They support accurate and fair decision-making by the investigative team. Typically, a single conversation is coordinated to avoid repetitive interviews that may further traumatize the victim, though specialized interviewing strategies may be used to best benefit the child's opportunity to tell their story.

Specially trained nurses provide medical evaluations and treatment services to all clients, regardless of age, to ensure the health, safety, and well-being of each patient. A head-to-toe exam provides differentiated medical findings that may be indicative of abuse. The Center for Children works with the all-female nurse staff of the Mesa County SANE Program (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners) who conduct these non-invasive, patient led examinations.

Our highly trained team provides evidence-based, trauma-focused mental health services designed to meet the unique needs of abused children. This includes one-on-one therapy, clinical case management, therapeutic trial preparation, and psychoeducation for both the child and their caregiver(s). Therapy referrals to staff therapists often come through cases seen at the Center for Children or another sister child advocacy center.

Community prevention education is provided for adults at the Center for Children and within our community by team faciliators. Programs include Stewards of Children (English and Spanish) and Nurturing Healthy Sexual Development.


The Center for Children promotes healing and justice for children who are victims of violence and sexual abuse while striving to make the community safer through prevention, education and advocacy.

Stewards of Children

Darkness to Light - End Child Sexual Abuse

Stewards of Children is a prevention training program that teaches adults how to prevent, recognize, and react responsibly to child sexual abuse. The program is designed for organizations that serve youth, parents/caregivers, and for individuals concerned about the safety of children. It is the only nationally distributed, evidence based program proven to increase knowledge, improve attitudes, and change child protective behaviors.

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